Ostia is a small port town that once existed outside of Rome and it's sole purpose was for trade and merchants. It was a working town and some of it's primary features are it's theater, which is fantastic condition, along with it's mosaics and the condition of its buildings. Since the town is outside of the main flow of people, it's been able to stayed fairly well preserved. We got the opportunity to visit the town our second day in Rome. We took a bus to the town and toured the huge complex that is Ostia. The town is complex and it's so easy to get lost. Some of the attractions are it's thermopolium (which was ancient fast food) and the living quarters that you can walk through. Ostia is like a playground for a Classicist, like myself, because you can walk all through the town on your own terms and explore it without many barriers. It's fantastic. Easily one of the coolest things around Rome. Honestly, words can only do so much justice and all I really have are pictures, but you must see these things on your own!
view over the buildings
Mosaic of a trading company (entry to shop)
Floor of a shop
wall painting
Thermopolium counter
And until next time, I will cover my journey from Rome to Sorrento, Naples, Pompeii, and then lastly Arrezzo. Ciao!
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